10 September 2009

Wing-surfers , Czech Air fest 2009

For some people,
flight is much more than moving from A to B for biz trips or holidays...
it is passion, freedom, achievement, dedication, overcoming, heritage, dream.
For all those weirdos, for whom the best music is a roaring afterburner

03 September 2009

Capri island...or alien outpost on the blue planet?

Many people, probably most of us, live like this fish.
Quiet, satisfied, maybe even happy with their World.
Well-known, properly explored, under control, clear, transparent, without surprises.
Boundaries are well-marked, no borderline to be stretched and crossed.
Is this life?

Alien - detail
Alien brain - water structures
Alien eye
My small world

Alien guts

Friendly Alien, unique test sample

Alien sunglasses

Alien flower - prototype